
This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes - Psalms 118:23 

Covenant Anointing Oil Working!

 The 9:00 PM Wednesday’s prayer section of last night healed my pain. I was suffering from so much pain in my back and hip all day today, but as Apostle instructed us to anoint ourselves and gave those powerful prayer points, it reached me here in Jamaica. Today, I feel like brand new. Thank you Apostle Esther. May God’s blessings upon you increase every day.
No More PAIN!!!!
My legs, ankles, and feet had been swollen and hurting so badly. This was new to me because I'd never experienced such problem in the past. I was having trouble walking around in the office because of the pain. This morning the pain was so bad when I got on the prayer line, as Apostle Esther started speaking and praying, I felt a sudden shift in my legs and feet and the pain suddenly disappeared! The swelling is gone, and my legs are feeling better. Thank you Apostle Esther for prayers.
The Covenant Weapons are working

 I used to get traffic tickets all the time, but since I started using the Covenant Weapons from Alpha & Omega IMF, the officers are passing my car and giving other people tickets. Thanks Apostle Esther for the Weapons.
Covenant Anointing Oil Working!

I went with my daughter to her College last week, to help her get situated in her room before the start of school, but learned that her roommate who not straight. I wasn’t happy leaving my child by herself to make decision, so I started praying for God’s intervention. On the first night of my prayer, I put the AOIMF Covenant Salt at the entrance of their room door and anointed above the door with the Covenant Anointing Oil, and anointed the head of my daughter. Thank God the roommate didn’t show. Praise the Lord.

 I was waiting in line for my breakfast this morning with my “Jesus my Solution” t-shirt on, when the cashier said to me; “wow, I love your t-shirt”. She asked for me to move to the front of the line all because of the Alpha & Omega IMF t-shirt I had on today. She encouraged me to keep on presenting Christ wherever I find myself, because without Him, we’re nothing.
This morning while I was on the prayer line, Apostle Esther saw in a vision of a woman falling down in her kitchen and she cancelled the fall. That woman Apostle Esther saw this morning was me. Yes, the enemy wanted for me to fall in my kitchen this morning immediately after the vision. I give God the Glory.
Apostle Esther declared on the prayer line this morning that something good was going to happen to someone and for that person to testify. I’m testifying to the glory of God because I received an offer for a job. Thank you Lord Jesus for your grace is sufficient for us. Thank you Apostle Esther for your prayers. I cover my testimony in the Blood of Jesus. Fire!
My next door neighbor in the hotel heard me praying on the prayer line, and asked what was going on in my room at 3:00 AM every morning, because she could hear me and I didn’t know that. I told her that I was praying along with my prayer line. She asked me for some of my anointing oil for her to use, but I told her to call and order it from my church. I decided to asked my husband to place the order for her. When she received the order and started using the oil, she said she felt so peaceful each time she uses the oil. I also used the Covenant Anointing Oil at work against the spirit of confusion to get out. I prayed using psalm 91 and spayed the Covenant Anointing Oil and Salt for the confusion to stop, and by God’s grace, the confusion stopped.

While I was in California for work, I’d call my family to check on them through a video call when my daughter noticed that my left eye was bloodshot red, as I looked at my eye in the mirror I realized that it was red. I thought it was due to the tiredness from the number of paperwork I had to complete before being assigned a room. On Sunday before we assembled in the Hotel’s Lobby to be transported to work, my husband had called to check on me. I told him that I was worried about being sent back to the hotel because my eye had gotten worse.  My husband told me to wash my left eye with the Covenant Anointing Salt to see if the eye will be okay. So I putted 2 pinches of salt in annalistic cup and washed my eye before leaving my hotel room.
To my surprise, nobody at my work noticed the redness of my left eye. I’m telling everyone never to doubt the power of the Alpha & Omega IMF Covenant Salt and Anointing oil.
I want to thank God for giving me victory over all my enemies. It's been 3 years I started the process for the transition of my son to the United States of America. Things got so difficult at the immigration office because they kept asking for a lot of proof to show the relationship between me and my son. Apostle Esther started praying for my son to join me. Thank God for answering prayers, Jesus Christ has blessed me by bringing my son to join me in America. Thank you so much Apostle Esther Agiri for all the prayers.
I’m thankful to God Almighty for taking my husband through his surgery. He had been in the hospital for three months before undergoing the successful surgery. I am very grateful for God’s faithfulness towards his life. Thanks to Apostle Esther whom God has anointed to pray for people all over the world, who are facing serious situations. When my husband was sick, I would go and search for Apostle Esther’s warfare prayers online and claimed her prayer points over my husband’s body, and it worked instantly. I didn’t have her phone numbers to contact her directly for prayers, but I do believe that she is really called by God. May the Almighty God continued to empower her more and more in Jesus Christ name Amen.
I want to thank God for Alpha and Omega IMF and for Apostle Esther, for all that she’s doing for us on the line every day. I woke up this morning feeling very sick, but I received my healing when I used the powerful “My Victory Tablet” Book. May God bless and be with you Apostle Esther
Covenant Weapons are working greatly
The Covenant Weapons are working greatly for most of us in the name of Jesus. When I planted the seed for my double manifestation, ordered some of my Covenant Weapons, and made my donations to the different branches, things got good for me. Thanks to God Almighty, I am blessed in Jesus name. No shaken, because God doesn't think about your past to bless you, in name Amen and Amen.
I was attacked by the coven and witchcraft spirits, with their demonic arrows and infiltration early Monday morning, through their astral projection. They attacked my computer and my scanner at the same time, and even my body with their arrows. My computer and my scanner froze up which lead me to pray and applied the Covenant Anointing Oil on my body, computer, and scanner. Immediately, my computer and scanner started work again. The demonic arrows and infiltration stopped.
The three days fasting was very serious and not easy for me, but I made up my mind to follow instructions from Apostle Esther. It's for God's people to receive and act to his instructions.
On the first day of the fast, I got a revelation about myself, home, and Job.
On the second day, my deliverance started; something big fall off my upper left leg, and things started falling from my head and fingers.
I thank God for the strength to finish the three days dry fast without food or water. On the Sunday after the fast, I missed the Morning Prayer because I was very tired and sleepy. I woke up at 8:00 AM a new person.
I knew that through this fast, God had done something marvelous in my life. I give God all The Glory for my deliverance. Alpha & Omega IMF, I appreciate you all. Thank you Dr. Apostle Esther Agiri.
I woke up today with an intense itchy rash on the back of my neck that first appeared on my neck one year ago. I visited the doctor’s office because of the rash, but they told me that the rash was from my necklace, because I was allergy to my Jewelry. When Apostle Esther told us to apply the Covenant Spikenard oil to areas we had problems, I quickly applied the oil to the area with the rash on my neck. The back of my neck became so hot after I applied the oil, right now, I have no more itching!!!

I thank God for the life of Apostle Esther for continuously praying for us every day. Last night I couldn't sleep because my stomach felt like water was moving in it. I drank my Covenant Anointing Oil and rubbed my stomach with some of the oil that gave me some comfort to sleep. This morning on the prayer line, as soon Apostle Esther started praying on the prayer line, it was time for whatever was in my stomach to get out. I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. Thank God for the prayer line, I’m healed.
The prophetic Word is for me. Emmanuel had been talking and was getting better, but suddenly he became so weak. I started giving him the Covenant Anointing Oil to drink, as I washed his feet with the Covenant Anointing Salt. Praise God for the power on this prayer line.
I went out yesterday to evangelize and returned home at 11:09 AM, feeling wonderful with joy in my heart that lead me into praising and worshipping God. All of a sudden, my whole body felt like I was thrown down a staircase; causing me to feel very sore. By 10 PM, my chest was very heavy and I felt like I was going to die. I grabbed my Covenant Cinnamon and Honey with hot water, mixed them and drank the mixture. Quickly something left my body and I’m pain free. Glory be to God.  Apostle Esther, God will bless you more and more. Amen
Yesterday morning Apostle said someone with sore throat should take the Covenant Galilee Oil to prevent the sore throat from turning into throat cancer. I immediately drank a bottle of the Covenant Galilee Oil while drinking only hot water for 12 hours. I feel a lot better. To God be the Glory! Thank you Apostle Esther, I claim my Divine Healing, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ! Thank you.
The authenticity of Alpha and Omega IMF Covenant Galilee oil was confirmed a few weeks ago, when I had a Divine encounter. I dozed off on Saturday night and hear a voice say 250 CC ! I immediately woke up and said that it was the Covenant Galilee Oil that Apostle Esther is always recommending for Healing. I went back to sleep and heard a very strong voice say cancer! I woke up again and started praying. On Monday morning, I ordered the 250 CC of the Covenant Galilee Oil along with other products I needed. I received them; I immediately drank the 250 CC of the Galilee Oil on an empty stomach, and kept drinking hot water. I used the bathroom frequently on that day, even passing things in my stool that looked seedy and greenish stuff that I didn't eat. All the pains I had experienced stopped! I thank God for Alpha and Omega IMF, Apostle Esther, and the entire workers. Apostle Esther, you are real!!! I attest to that! To God be all the Glory!

I want to give Our Father in Heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ the Glory this Morning. We overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of our testimonies in Jesus Name.  During the “Good Morning Jesus” prayer line on last Sunday, Apostle Ether made a declaration stating that this week is our week of Victory and testimonies, in Jesus name. Well, confirming this declaration and Prophetic word, I went to work that Sunday afternoon and I received mine.  May God bless you Apostle Esther and Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith.
God is good and he is able to do all things. I thank God for my life and the lives of my family. On Monday night around 8:30 P.M, my oldest son was going outside to check if his dad has made it back home. As he opened the kitchen door leading to the backyard, he saw was a big cobweb hanging down from the light holder to the other side of the wall, with a big design in the middle. My son closed the door and came to tell me. Saints of God, as I opened the door, I scream "blood of Jesus” because I have never seen such cobweb. I closed the door, get my Covenant Anointing Oil of Myrrh spray and Anointed Salt.  I sprayed it and poured anointing salt, and burn it to ashes.  I prayed and anointed my entire house doors and windows, and anointed ourselves as usual. I salted my yard the next day. Thanks to Pastor Solomon and Apostle Esther for your prayers, Covenant Weapons, and the Good Morning Jesus Prayer line. Thanks to you Pastor Rievu for your dedication towards God's calling, and for being there for my family. Thanks to all the workers in AOIMF. I come against every power of limitations. Receive Holy Ghost fire, fire, fire, fire in Jesus Name. Satan has lost again.
I went out for Mother's Day dinner but on my way home, my stomach started aching. Before I could get home, the pain got worse causing me to rush to the restroom upon getting home. I started having diarrhea with a lot of pain in my stomach. After I was done using the bathroom, and saw blood in my feces. Immediately I drank the water Apostle had prayed on, the first day of the Women’s Conference, and the diarrhea and pain stopped. Thanks to Apostles Esther for the prayer line. You're God’s chosen. God blessed Apostles Esther, in Jesus name.
I started having tightness in my chest at work yesterday. When l got back home from work, the pain intensified making me to decide about going to the emergency room. I first decided to drink some of the Covenant Galilee Oil and rubbed some on my chest, before making my decisions concerning the emergency room. Immediately after doing that, the pain disappeared. Please, listen to a true Apostle and use your weapons. Thank you God, thanks Apostle Esther
I woke up today with an intense itchy rash on the back of my neck that first appeared on my neck one year ago. I visited the doctor’s office because of the rash, but they told me that the rash was from my necklace, because I was allergy to my Jewelry. When Apostle Esther told us to apply the Covenant Spikenard oil to areas we had problems, I quickly applied the oil to the area with the rash on my neck. The back of my neck became so hot after I applied the oil, right now, I have no more itching!!!
I thank God for keeping me and my family alive. I had been suffering from serious pain on the left side of my body, from my neck down to my feet. I visited Apostle Esther Agiri on Wednesday for counselling, and she prayed and massaged my leg with the Covenant Anointing Oil. Since then, I have no more pain-I am healed!  Thank you Apostle Esther, may God bless you.
A few days ago, I started experiencing something moving in my right shoulder, causing me to undergo a lot of pain in that area. Thanks be to God Almighty, for revealing it to Apostle Esther this morning, what was going on in my right shoulder and right hand. Apostle Esther instructed us what to do with the Covenant Anointing Oil. Upon applying the Covenant Anointing Oil, I got healed. May God Almighty continue to keep Apostle Esther strong, and protect her on the Good Morning Jesus Prayer line.
Apostle Esther mentioned this morning on the prayer line about someone suffering from shoulder pain. Yes, it was me. For the past few days, I had been experiencing a lot of pain in my right shoulder, where I couldn't lift up my right arm. I thought it was due to stress, but after Apostle’s prayer, and I applied the Alpha & Omega Covenant Anointing oil, the pain disappeared. Thanks Apostle Esther, I got healed this morning.
Healed on the Good Morning Jesus Prayer Line from Heavy Pain
1. I had an attack on my right shoulder where I was experiencing heavy pain, radiating from my
shoulder down unto my leg. After Apostle Esther Agiri prayed this morning, I felt a relief; the
heavy pain disappeared. Amen!

2. Friday on the prayer line, Apostle Esther said someone was having right shoulder pain and that
we should move our shoulders, I did by rolling back and forth. The pain disappeared
immediately. Thank God for the anointing.
Anointing the point of Contacts
Every morning I use the covenant salt on my children or on their points of contact. Last Friday,
my daughter and I, went for a walk. As I was telling her about the Blood of Jesus in the middle
of crossing the road, a truck came toward us in full speed and almost ran us down. It was a
miracle on how that truck stopped and did not hit us. Praise God for this Ministry.
Favor on my Land

Two to three months ago I got a message from someone from my Country stating that, the
person I bought my land from was trying to resell it to another person. I immediately planted a
seed on a fertile ground of Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith and received my
prayer from one of the prayer warriors on that day. I have constructed a foundation on the land
right now without any problem. Glory be to God, amen!
Healed from the Anointed water
Last week Thursday, I started having pain inside my Left ear. On Sunday Apostle Esther prayed
over our 3 bottles of water and instructed us to label our bottles of water “Long Life” as we
drank each as instructed, and I did. On Monday Morning when I woke up, I felt no pain. The pain
completely went away.
My State Leader Interceded for my Healing
I was having a pain in my back when Sister Michelle from New York called and prayed for me
after our initial greeting. The pain got worse and moved into my stomach area. I ran to the
restroom vomited and stooled also. I don't know where they came from, but it was black and
awful. I want to thank Sister Michele for calling when she did. Whatever poison that was inside
of me came out. I then drank some of the Covenant Anointing Oil and I'm feeling great in Jesus’
Divine Direction using the Prayer Book
When Apostle Esther instructed us to read our prayers every 3 hours, I received a phone call
concerning the closing date of my home. As I called the names of my enemies, I'm happy to say
it was postponed to April. If it wasn't for Apostle Esther writing, “Weep No more from my
Journey to greatness”, I don't know what I would have done without this book, its powerful.
Thank you very much Apostle Esther for this remarkable book , in Jesus Name, Amen.
My Grand-Daughter healed

My granddaughter in Liberia was playing outside when a dog came up to her and bit her; she
fainted. When my daughter called and told me, I instructed her to put the Alpha and Omega
International Ministry of Faith Covenant Anointing Oil on the spot of the dog bit. They took her
to the hospital and got her some medicines. By the grace of God, my granddaughter is healed
and is doing wonderfully. Thanks to Apostle Esther for the Alpha and Omega International
Ministry of Faith Covenant Weapons.
Power in the Service
I was totally blessed this Sunday, 4/4/21. The service was awesome and the Holy Spirit was
moving mightily in the House of God. I was sitting upstairs in the foyer area, and as soon as I got
there I felt a tingling sensation all over my body, releasing goose bumps because of the power of
the service. When I got home that day, I felt different having more encouragement as my faith
rose. I feel more opening inside of me as though something was lifted.
Divine Intercession in my Dreams
I want to thank God for Apostle Esther Agiri, the Pastors, and the entire Alpha and Omega
International Ministry of Faith team. Last week Tuesday in the morning, I woke up and joined
the prayer line, but felt into deep sleep. In my dream I found myself walked into my living room
going to sit down, then I saw a black bird with gray belly, fly into my living room and began flying
towards me with images of men who faces I couldn’t identify. I started waving my hands over
my head calling on the Blood of Jesus. The bird was still trying to come closer to me, but
couldn't. In my dream, I heard Apostle Esther praying that evil agents assigned to monitor or
attack me, must die by fire. Apostle Esther said, “You woman, you had an attack and you are
lying down, get up from that bed!” Saints of God, I woke up and heard Apostle Esther saying
that prayer point.
I have a problem with my right foot, and this was not a problem I was born with. I had this
dream and went to Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith Church for service, and
Apostle Esther pointed to me and said, “You lady, stand up!” Apostle Esther identified the
problem I’m experiencing with my right foot. She told me that someone dropped something on
the floor and I stepped on it. Apostle Esther was about to tell me what to do, but I woke up.
Apostle Esther Agiri, thank you so much for all the prayers of protection over our lives, in Jesus
mighty name, Amen.
Healed from drinking Alpha & Omega Covenant Galilee Oil and Using the Covenant Salt
I woke up with stomach pain, but as I took the Covenant Galilee Oil and salt, I felt my healing;
Healed from drinking Alpha & Omega Covenant Galilee Oil
Yesterday Morning Apostle Esther said, “If you had a dream and found yourself eating in the
dream, drink three tablespoons of Alpha & Omega Galilee Oil.” I drank three tablespoons of the
Alpha & Omega Covenant Galilee Oil and my stomach started to hurt. I went to the restroom
and saw something like bulky particles like white clay in my stool. The Covenant Weapons really
work. Thanks to Apostles Esther for all the Covenants weapons and the wonderful prayers. God
blessed you.
Prayer Shawl at work
My baby was having some type of issue with crying that I couldn’t figure out. After exhausting all
options, I wrapped him in my prayer shawl and he actually slept peacefully for a long time.
When he woke up, it showed that he was constipated and we were able to regulate his bowel.
Thank God for our Covenant Weapons. No doctor or unnecessary medications. Hallelujah!
Work Permit in the mail after Apostle Esther Agiri Prayed during Faith Clinic

My husband received the approval for his work permit in the mail, after Apostle Esther prayed
during a Wednesday Faith clinic. Whatever was the issue, they saw God working it out. To God
be the glory! I thank God for this Ministry and for our Apostle Esther and Pastor Solomon Agiri.
Healed from Bowel Obstruction
I am the one Apostle Esther was talking about who was experiencing bowel obstruction. On
yesterday, I suffered from bowel obstruction the entire day, causing me to feel sick. I could not
eat. Thank you Jesus for healing me. Thank you Apostle Esther for the prayers.
Got Healed after Good Morning Jesus

I woke up with heavy legs this morning, but I am healed now after the prayers in Jesus' name.
Thank You Jesus! Thank you Apostle and all the prayer team.
God Provides even in the time of want
I have not been working since March 29, 2020. Even when we thought we would endure
without, God showed up time and time again. All of our needs were met. I am still tithing and
sowing my seed from whatever we would get, and through the strangers whom God brought to
bless us, even during my pregnancy. After my delivery, we didn’t buy anything for our baby;
everything was provided by God and the love gifts of our brethren. When Apostle prayed
blessings over you, take it to the bank, because God will bring it to pass. Glory be to God in the
highest for provisions and for bringing Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not
want," alive as a testimony in our lives, even in the midst of what the world calls "pandemic",
God is blessing us with overabundance. Hallelujah!
Correct Prophesy By Apostle Esther Agiri
Apostle was on Good Morning Jesus Prayer Line at 5:00 AM central time, when she described in
detail what I was going through. I had not slept for several days, and I was experiencing
havoc on my body, while I had with me a new baby to care for. Apostle Esther said, “they came
to give you madness, but because of your prayer life they couldn't.” I had not told ANYONE
what I saw right at the sound of the first bell for Good Morning Jesus. I saw the spirit come in
my home and was heading directly to my bedroom where I had gotten up 15 minutes earlier
before prayer line to start worship. I attacked it with FIRE and the BLOOD OF JESUS, and sent it
BACK TO SENDER. When the Woman of God, Apostle Esther Agiri, said it, I was shaken to my
core because I had been asking the LORD about what I had just seen. It didn’t make sense to
me, but Apostle Esther knew exactly what it was. I can’t explain how grateful I am to be part of
this Ministry and to be under a Prophet like Apostle Esther. Thank you Jesus for my house, my
spiritual parents and the Holy Spirit for making me quick, and for filling my mouth with what to
pray about!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
Multiple Healing On Good Morning Jesus Prayerline
I heard Apostle Esther’s voice and my body became peaceful like something transpired in my
body. Thank you Apostle Esther.
I could not breathe throughout the night, but now I can breathe.
I couldn't sleep all night due to a piercing chest and pain; but after Apostle's prayers on healing, I
am healed and am feeling better in Jesus' name, Amen.
I was having a headache this morning doing the prayer line, but now my headache is gone.
Thank you Apostle Esther.
Healed On Good Morning Jesus
I woke up this morning to join the prayer line and started experiencing severe stiff neck and
pain. Immediately, Apostle Esther told us to use our Covenant Galilee Oil, and rub on the area
we were having pain. I applied it on my neck. Saints of God, the pain and stiffness disappeared.
Christ is risen, indeed! Thanks Apostle Esther.
God's Protection 
To God be the glory. I thank you my God Almighty for Your protection toward me and my family
from last Easter to this Easter. This morning Apostle Esther was praying about healing and I was
healed in my back. I thank God for Apostle Esther for all her prayers, Amen.
Healed From Pain
I was in so much pain yesterday at a point, I couldn’t move my arm. During the prayer line this
Morning, I was healed. I started praising God for Apostle Esther. May God bless you Apostle
Esther with more grace.
Healed on the Midnight Prayer Line
Apostle Esther was praying during the midnight prayer and said that someone got healed from
Covid-19, but that person is now experiencing body aches and pain again. Saints of God, as
Apostle Esther prayed, an electricity came over my shoulders, down my back, then spread all
over of my body, including the areas I felt the most aches. I was asking God what was going on
when the Holy Spirit said, “LISTEN!” I realized Apostle Esther was explaining the person with the
Covid-19 symptoms just felt it left them. To God be all the glory! Thank God for Apostle Esther,
Pastor Solomon, and the prayer warriors.
Healed from Breast Cancer
This year, my aunty was diagnosed with breast cancer in Canada. After five years in remission,
she departed due to the Covid-19. The father of her children had passed and she needed all the
support she could get. I call Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith for prayer of
agreement, but nobody answered the phone. The next day, one of the prayer warriors from the
Ministry call and prayed with me concerning my auntie’s situation. The prayer warrior told me
to put my hands on your heart and receive while he was praying. I felt heat going through my
body and I knew God was doing something. After he was finished praying, he said she is healed.
Last week I called my aunty and she said they did a biopsy and saw nothing. Glory to God! My
Jesus did it again. Thank you Jesus for Your healing virtues!
The Covenant Galilee Oil healed me

I woke up with a terrible pain in my stomach. I drank some of the Covenant Galilee Oil as
Apostle Esther had been instructed us to do. Now, I'm healed in Jesus Name.
Healed from using the Covenant Anointed Salt
Apostle Esther told us to drop the salt at the back of our main doors. When I did, an arrow hit
me on my left shoulder, close to my collarbone. I took my right hand and touch my left shoulder
close to my breast, and pour the covenant salt on it; immediately, the pain stopped. When I
walked back into my bedroom, I felt another arrow hit me on top of my left foot, above the
bottom of my left foot (within the exact proximity of the bottom of my left foot). I rubbed some
of the covenant salt over the area(s) and the pain stopped immediately. Hallelujah, I am not
afraid; Power and fire are here!
Victory in my Business Meeting and Healing
I just want to thank God for the many ways He helped me this week. I had three major business
meetings this week. Despite health issues, the Lord brought me through with flying colors! I
completed all projects and met my deadlines. I testified on Wednesday about my healing,
thanks to God, I'm getting better daily. To God be the glory. Yes, prayer works! It has
encouraged me to press on because God is with me. I also had the opportunity to evangelize
and minister to one person today. To God be the glory! I appreciate you Apostle Esther. God
bless you, Pastor Solomon, Pastor Rievu, and everyone at AOIMF. I love you all.
Saved From Fire
My kitchen appliance caught fire this evening, and I didn't know until I went to the kitchen. It
would have been a disaster. I had an opportunity to evangelize today. To God be the glory! I
appreciate you Apostle Esther. God bless you, Pastor Solomon, thanks to Pastor Rievu and
everyone at Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith for your prayers and support. I love
you all. Praise the Lord!!!
Healed from the 3 hours Prayers
I just want to thank God for the many ways He healed me this week. On Monday after the
prayer line, I got really sick and couldn't sleep for three days, and it got worse. Thirty minutes
after Good Morning Jesus Prayer Line, today, I had less pain and could walk around. I kept
praying every three hours, and by 8:30 p.m. that evening, the pain disappeared. To God be the
Favor Everywhere!
I want to thank God for what happened to me last weekend. My younger sister kept calling me
and I kept rejecting her calls. I decided to return her calls and she told me that she was on her
way to DC. Jokingly, I told her that I had to sow my seed and I didn’t have enough funds. She
then asked me if I had Cashapp and I told her yes. My sister sent me the money I wasn't
expecting. The following week I called and paid my seed. I want to thank Apostle Esther, Pastor
Ruemu, and everyone involved in this Ministry. Praise the Lord!!!
Thanksgiving To God!
My family and I are thanking God for His goodness in our lives. The 40-day journey He suffered
because of our sins, and by giving His life on the cross, just to pay for our sins, so we can have
life and be saved, is worth thanking God. I want to thank you Apostle Esther for being one of
the true disciples of God, for teaching us how to pray and walk in obedience. Thank you Pastor
Ruemu, all of the Ministers, and Pastors, for the Bible Study. God bless!
Healed From Palpitations
I had been experiencing palpitation, light headedness, weakness, and chest pains. I had been
using my Covenant Weapons and sending in prayer requests. I went and did all the necessary
tests and awaited my results. On Tuesday, I missed a call from my doctor’s office regarding my
tests results. I immediately texted Apostle Esther, Pastor Rievu and other prayer warriors of the
Ministry to pray for me. Pastor Rievu told me that my ears will not hear bad report. The
doctor’s office sent another message saying that my results were normal. I am so humble and
grateful to the Almighty God of Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith, Apostle Esther,
Pastor Rievu, and all the prayer warriors of Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith. May
God Almighty continue to use them and increase them all in every area of their lives, Amen! I
cover my testimony with the Blood of Jesus, Amen!
Divine Promotion!
The name of the Lord is to be exalted and praised! My husband has been promoted. The enemy
tried to block him from being promoted, but when JESUS says YES, nobody can say no. Thanks
to the God Of Alpha And Omega International Ministry of Faith. I also want to thank you
Apostle Esther for your steadfast prayers, Covenant Weapons, and encouragement, that keep
me going. Thanks to the entire team. “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt
you.” James 4:10 Be Faithful with God. Do whatever Apostle Esther tells you to do; It is well!
The Midnight Prayer Revealed Serpent
Two weeks ago while I was praying on the midnight prayer line, I saw a serpent crawling in me.
That made me to keep on praying until 3:00 AM until my entire body starting feeling like pepper.
The next day in the morning, I got up 15 minutes earlier and texted Apostle Esther about what
had happen to me, and she told me that the serpent is dead. The Lord is good. That day, a thick
clot of blood came out of my neck followed by some pus with a slight neck pain. I took hot water
and the Covenant salt and anointed my neck and made prayer to be my friend. I thank God for
my deliverance and I thank Apostle Esther in Jesus name, Amen.
Order Your Covenant Weapons
I want to thank the Lord for his love towards us, especially in time like these. The Corona Virus
is a liar! Saints of God, please order your Covenant Weapons because they're keeping me alive.
I am blessed because of Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith Church, a Church
without walls. Thanks to God for the prayer team and His Resurrection Power.
Healed from using the Covenant Oil of Myrrh
This afternoon, I felt an excruciating pain on the left side of my upper body while I was at work.
I quickly went to my bag and got my Covenant Oil of Myrrh and Anointing Oil, and applied them
to the area. Within a twinkle of an eye, the pain went away. I thank God for my healing and I
thank Apostle Esther for these powerful Covenant Weapons and all the partners in this great
Ministry that is always praying for us.
Breast Pain Healed

I was having a severe pain in my right breast the entire day. I came home from work, and as I
checked my mailbox, my Resurrection T- Shirt was in my mailbox. I took all my clothes off,
including my bra and put on my T-shirt. Immediately, the pain was gone. Praise the name of
the Most High God!
My Victory Tablet Book is a Blessing
The glory of God is working in the life of my coworker. God has been blessing her and she
enjoys reading the book “My Victory Tablet.” I thank God for Alpha and Omega International
Ministry of Faith for all the Covenant Weapons that I’m using every day and for being so good to
me. I am blessed! I have been sharing the prayer line to people who are hungry for the Word
today. Hallelujah to God who is blessing this prayer line.
Healing during Good Morning Jesus at 5:00 AM CT
This Morning Apostle Esther Agiri said, “Place your hand wherever it is hurting” and I did. Today,
I started wearing my sneakers that I can't wear for a long time. Thanks Apostle Esther Agiri for
your prayers. God blessed you, Amen!
Mark on skin healed from the Covenant Anointing Oil
I was the one with marks on my skin. Apostle Esther Agiri told us to apply the Covenant
Anointing Oil over the marks, and as I applied the Oil, my skin started burning. I am now healed.
Glory to God for healing me in Jesus name!
Urinary Tract Infection Healed from the Covenant Salt and the Myrrh Anointing Oil

My mother kept having and treating recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) for years. Last
week, the symptom recurred and the result was the same UTI. When she applied the Covenant
Oil of Myrrh, and covenant Salt to her lower abdomen, 3 days ago, all symptoms stopped. She is
healed; even the blood in her urine has stopped. God is a great healer! I thank Apostle Esther
Agiri and all the Ministers for their prayers for us daily. There is power in the Covenant Weapon.
Praise the Lord!
My Job Saved
I was recently under an attack on my job and didn’t realize God was silently fighting for me in the situation. I didn’t know at the time, that someone on my job was preparing to get me fired.
I remembered Apostle Esther Agiri saying on the prayer line, “Someone at your job is trying to get you fired, but they will leave before you the.” I kept receiving the messages as she prayed and truly that was the case. I told Apostle what was going on and the very next day, I learned that this person who was trying to set me up on my job had resigned a few days prior, and will be leaving within the next two days. She has since left the job. I just want to give God the glory for fighting my unknown battles. I seal my testimony in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Blessings!
They Are Exposed By Apostle Esther Agiri
I went to see Apostle Esther Agiri concerning my Sister-in-law’s situation. Everything that Apostle Esther told me about my Sister-in-Law’s issues was true. Last night Maritza said she heard a female voice telling a male voice, “No! Why did you do that? Now she is going to “That” lady, referring to Apostle Esther, and she is going to break all the curses and the thing that was tied!" I didn’t understand this at first until Apostle prayed for me today. Wow! These demonic people do recognize the Woman of God, Prophet Apostle Esther Agiri, who God assigned to our lives, and confessed that she would break the curses of her life!! What a blessing to be part of this Ministry!!! May God continue to use Apostle Esther Agiri mightily to SET THE CAPTIVES FREE IN JESUS NAME. HALLELUJAH!!!!
Healed From The Covenant Salt
Two days ago, I was feeling sick until I put some of the Covenant Salt under my tongue. I felt the
relief. Thank you, Apostle Esther Agiri.
Pain Healed Immediately After Applying Anointed Covenant Salt

Apostle told us to pour some salt at the back of our main doors in our homes. As I did it, an arrow hit me on the left shoulder close to my collarbone. I used my right hand to touch the area on my left shoulder, close to my breast, as I applied the Covenant Salt. The pain stopped immediately. As I walked back into my bedroom, another arrow hit me on top of my left foot and I applied the Covenant Salt and the pain stopped immediately. Hallelujah, I am not afraid!
Covenant Anointed Honey Healed Irritation
I had an irritation in my private area and when Apostle Esther Agiri told us to use the honey, I
used the honey 3 times and now the irritation is gone. I can now urinate freely. Thank you,
Jesus. I bless God for Apostle Esther Agiri in Jesus name.
Pain Disappear On Prayerline
I woke up this morning with pain in my chest, but as Apostle Esther started praying against chest
pain, the pains disappear, just like that. Thank you Lord Jesus
Chest Pain Healed

I started having the chest tightness at work yesterday. When l back home, the pain started
getting worse, causing me to decide on visiting the emergency room. l decided to drink some of
the Covenant Galilee Oil first and rubbed some on my chest. Immediately the pain disappeared.
Please my people, listen to a true Apostle and use your Covenant Weapons. Thank you God, and
thanks you Apostle Esther Agiri
My Baby Healed From Using The Covenant Anointing Oil
I was planning to travel and decided to inform Apostle Esther before leaving; reluctantly Apostle Esther said she will be praying for me. As I was heading out, my spirit was uneasy. I couldn’t pass Stafford, so I decided to cancel the trip and go back home. When I returned home, my baby started crying, we tried for several hours to quiet him, but could not. Finally, my husband wanted to take him to the emergency room, but I said no. I prayed over my baby and anointed him. I putted a little bit of the Covenant Anointing Oil on his pacifier for him and I sent a text to Apostle Esther Agiri. She gave me some instructions and then he began to throw up hard. The Holy Spirit told me to return their witchcraft and evil projections to sender, in Jesus name!! I sent Apostle Esther a text to let her know and she confirmed. I THANK GOD for this Ministry that has shown us how to pray and call down fire. Praise be to God! Thank you Jesus. Thank you Apostle Esther and Pastor Solomon.
Healed With Anointing Oil
While praying in tongues with Apostle Esther Agiri, during the midnight prayer on Wednesday,
April 7, 2021, something bit me on my right calf and inner right thigh. I rebuked it and sent it
back to sender as I applied the Covenant Myrrh spray over the areas. Immediately, the stink
from the bite disappeared. Satan and his stinking cohorts failed again, and they will drop dead
by fire in the Mighty name of Jesus.
Left Foot Healed
I was experiencing pain in my left foot on yesterday, but when Apostle Esther said we should rub the painful area with the Covenant Oil of Myrrh, I did and the pain disappeared. Thank you,
Healed From Pain
I woke up feeling pain under my left armpit. However, as Apostle Esther Agiri was praying against pain, she told us to rub the Spikenard Anointing Oil over the area that was hurting; I kept rubbing some of the oil over the area continuously and after a few minutes, I touched the area and did not feel any more pain. I thank the God of Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith. Amen!
Healed From Pain From Epidural
I am the one with the back pain from the effect of the Epidural since I had my kids. Thank God I
am heal now. Amen
Healed From Effect Of Epidural

Apostle Esther was praying against the complication that someone, on the prayer line this morning received from the Epidural shot; I am the one who was healed from the effect of the epidural shot that affected me every year. I know that I am healed in Jesus's name. Thank you Apostle Esther. Hallelujah!
Got Healed From Fibroid On The Early Morning Prayer Line
During my routine exam, the doctor became concerned about the hardness and the size of my stomach. Sometimes during my menstruation, my stomach would get protruded, and I would feel something moving around in my stomach as if I was 5 Months pregnant. The doctor believed I was suffering from “fibroid," so they ordered a sonogram scheduled within 2 weeks from my office visit for me to do. During “The Good Morning Jesus” prayers this morning, God healed me completely. The moving mass disappeared and now, my stomach is soft. I am completely healed and will come back with the report as evidence. Thank You Jesus! God bless Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith and Apostle Esther Agiri for this prayer line. The prayer line is truly a blessing. God bless you.
Pain Disappears From Using The Oil Of Myrrh
I got off work this morning at 6:00 AM for home, but as I tried to get out of my truck, I start having pain in my foot. I couldn't wait to start rubbing my feet with the Covenant Anointing oil of Myrrh when I got home. As I started rubbing my feet with the oil, the pain disappear of my body. Thanks Mommy Apostle Esther Agiri for the Covenant Weapons.
Saved From Eating Evil Food In The Dream
Yesterday morning when Apostle Esters said, if you dream and find yourself eating in that dream, drink 3 tablespoons of Galilee oil. I drank the 3 tablespoons of the Galilee oil and my stomach felt upset. I went to use the restroom and some bulky particles like white clay came out. I couldn’t believe what I saw with my eye. The Covenant Weapons really works. Thanks to Apostles Ester Agiri for all the weapons and the wonderful prayers. God blessed you
Healed From The Coronavirus
I have been fighting with the attack of coronavirus but I wasn't alone because God was with me.
On Friday morning when I woke up, I was coughing so bad causing me not to properly breathe. I
said, God I trust in your works and I believe in you. I started to calm down, so I called my sister, the Chicago state leader so she could pray for me. Today I'm healed in Jesus name! I just want to say thank You Lord for blowing your breath of healing on me, causing not to go to the hospital. I took a table spoon of the Covenant Anointing oil, prayed over it and I drink it after 30 to 45 minutes. I want to say to our Mommy, her Ministry and the Chicago State Leader, thanks. The State Leader told me to order the Cinnamon and Honey which I ordered. And started using them on Monday Evening.
Job Saved After and Healing From Feet Washing
Good Morning Mummy Apostle Esther. I want to thank God for healing me from waist pain that
handled me from working and standing straight, causing me to cancel my schedule work for about 2 days. Praise God I can bend over, jump, and turn. “Jehovah Over Do”.
Deliverance After Feet Washing

I was at work this morning and did wash my feet in a bowl with the water. Upon completion of washing of my feet, I saw something white and long (about an inch long), that looked like wet lint, at the bottom of the water in the bowl. I wasted everything afterward.

Healing From Feet Washing & Covenant Weapon
I have been experiencing pain in both of my legs for over two months now. Every morning my knees would get so painful, but as soon as I completed the feet washing of this morning, and applying of the Covenant Weapon, The Oil of Myrrh, on my feet the pain in my knees just vanished. To God be glory thx u Apostle for all your prayers.
Healing From Feet Washing
I received my healing after participating in washing THE feet this morning, My legs were swollen and feeling heavy, but it instantly went down and started feeling normal after the prayers and washing of my feet as instructed. Thanks to the God of Alpha and Omega IMF, and thanks you Mommy Apostle Esther Agiri for all you do. I love you Mommy.
Anointing Oil Took Away Headaches

My son in Africa told me whenever he has an exam, he gets this terrible headache. I reminded him to continue using the Covenant Anointing Oil and the Myrrh spray before his exams.  To God be the glory, his headache went away.
The Covenant Salt Healed My Stomach Pain

I was suffering from a lot of pain in my stomach last Saturday and l prayed with the Covenant Anointed Salt as I ask GOD to be my 911. Within 20 minutes of using the Covenant Salt, my stomach pain disappeared.  Thanks Apostle Esther Agiri for the Anointing salt.
Angels Around Me And In My Home
During the Grand Finale of Monday's Midnight Anti-Covid-19 Intercessory Prayer Session, Apostle Esther Agiri stated that there was someone praying close to a window. She stated that the person who was praying closed to a window was actually facing the window.  Apostle prophesied that there are angels all around the person and around the person's home.  I was that person.  Right before Apostle prophesied, she encouraged us to pray in tongues.  It was during such time l felt a peaceful breeze all around me.  To God be the glory!  Humble Appreciation Apostle.
Reduction In Debt
I give thanks to God for Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith, for Pastor Solomon and Apostle Esther Agiri. Saints, I had a debt of $9,958.00.  Yesterday, I received a call from the creditors reducing my debt to $5,000.00 which is about 50% of what I owed. I thank God for His divine favor.  Praise the Lord!  Fire! Fire! Fire!
Angels Around Me
During the time of prayer, Apostle Esther mentioned that someone was facing the window and angels were in the room and all over the house. In the morning on my way to work, a white dove flew and circled over my car.  On my way back home, the same dove did the same thing from the morning hour. I just want to thank the Lord for his protections and guidance upon my life.  May the Lord Almighty continue to elevate and bless Apostle Esther Agiri, and everyone in this Ministry.
Thankful For Another Birthday
Hallelujah!!! I give God praise and thanks for saving, blessing, and allowing me to see another birthday today.  Thank God for the Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith covering upon my life every day, but most of all, I give God the praise and the glory.
I Ate A Poisoned Food
Some years ago, my husband decided he was going to visit his extended families in Nigeria and to also check on his businesses. My husband had asked me to get some of the Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith Covenant Weapons for him and advised me not to let Apostle know about his trip to Africa.  I purchased the items and we both met with Apostle for prayers. While Apostle Esther was praying, the Holy Spirit revealed to her that my husband was planning a trip.  She then prayed for him and declared that it shall be well with him, in Jesus Name.
My husband arrived in Nigeria and was met by his older brother who also was the overseer of his businesses.  The elder brother took my husband to his usual hotel, ordered food for him and left with the plans of returning to the hotel within few hours.  My husband ate the food as he waited for his brother’s return, but upon completing his food, my husband's stomach became swollen, causing his tongue to protrude his mouth.  Immediately, my husband began to gasp.  He knew that the food he ate was poisoned.  He said he summoned courage to pull himself up to where he had his suitcase with the Covenant Weapons.  At that time, my husband said he could not walk, and had to crawl to where the Covenant oil was.  He pulled the Covenant weapons out of the suitcase, and drank the entire big bottle of the Covenant Anointing oil.  He said upon drinking the oil, he began to feel a little better and could breathe.  He threw up what he ate until nothing was left in his stomach.  While he was still on the floor trying to regain his strength, his older brother returned to his hotel room, opened my husband’s room door, thinking he was dead from the food, but found him still alive.
My husband said he was so shocked to find out that his older brother took his hotel room keys when he was checked in and given the food to eat; which shows that the older brother knew that by the time he got back, my husband would have been dead. To cut a long story short, my husband is alive today because of the prayers of Apostle Esther Agiri and the Alpha & Omega Covenant Oil.  I cannot thank God enough for the power in the Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith Covenant Weapons.  Praise the Lord for the great thing he has done and for keeping my husband alive.
Closing of my Co-op

I want to thank God for Pastor Rievu and all the prayer warriors of Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith, for praying for me on Saturday night for the closing of my Co-op selling and purchasing. My bank emailed me and said everything was fine and they will call their attorneys to proceed with closing.  I’m waiting patiently for the closing date anytime soon.  Apostle Esther Agiri, I want to thank you for praying for FAVOR for me, my daughter, and my family.  I know more is on the way in Jesus Name.  Hallelujah, Amen.
Healing Of Reflux And Marriage
I will like to give God the glory and honor for such a power conference last Month. Our time spent in Texas will forever be remembered.  We are forever grateful to have experienced such love from our Queen, Apostle Esther Agiri, in the way we did during the time we stayed in Texas. We were blessed as Covenant Partners to have Apostle Esther personally prepare us dinner while in the hotel.  The meal came as a blessing from God and I believe God used the meal to heal me of excessive stomach acids.  I am also very grateful that God used this conference to start the healing process of my marriage; to God be the glory.  We experienced so many attacks from the enemy as a result of the deliverance received, but my God delivered us from them all.  I would like to seal my testimonies in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Healed From Fibroid
My daughter underwent two surgeries due to fibroid.  The doctor thought she would not be able to conceive, but we have a God who turns impossibility to possibility.  Every morning when Mama Esther told pregnant women to anoint their tummy, I always anointed my daughter’s picture and whatever Mama Esther says; I will repeat it over her picture.  To God be the glory, she became pregnant.  One day she called telling me that she was bleeding and was on her way to the hospital.  I immediately called Pastor Reivu and told her.  Pastor Rievu told me that everything would work out well, and she prayed with my daughter.  She was drinking the anointing oil and rubbing it on her tummy every day.  The bleeding stopped and at the eighth month, she underwent surgery and everything was successful.  I thank God for the Mom and the baby boy, the wonderful work He did because that was not the work of a man.  I also thank Pastor Solomon, Apostle Esther, Pastor Reivu, all the ministers, and Covenant partners, for their prayers.  Our God is a miracle God.
Power in the Covenant T-Shirt
I had my doctor’s appointment today and every delay I can think about happened to me. I was frustrated and started feeling hot, like fire was all over body.  I forgot that I had on the Fire For Speed T-Shirt.  I got to the doctor’s office and the lady in the office said that I was early; she complimented my T-Shirt, hair, and smile.  Wow, wow, wow, the Fire for Speed T-Shirt did it again, Hallelujah!
Healing During The Midnight Prayer/ New Job
I want to thank God for the many ways He has blessed me since Saturday. Last Saturday, I was reluctant to send a prayer request to Pastor Rievu on the prayer line about an opportunity I had asked God for.  I have them written down on my prayer request list, and have been praying over them.  I had applied for this opportunity and kept praying over the request because I felt in my spirit that it was already mine.  Instead of requesting for prayer for an interview, I asked Pastor Rievu to help me pray for a breakthrough. On Monday, I saw that the organization had sent me an email on Saturday at 2:00 PM, asking to meet with me on Monday.  To God be the glory, I was rescheduled to meet with the organization.  While in the midnight prayer this morning I was attacked.  I experience an excruciating pain in my body that caused me to partially lose consciousness, although I could hear the prayer warriors.  I couldn’t move the rest of my body only my hands which helped me to reached out to Apostle Esther Agiri, as I was crying on the phone.  Apostle sent me instructions but I couldn't hold up the phone to read the message.  I rubbed some of my Covenant Oil on my body and placed some of the salt in my mouth. Those were the only items my fingers could feel at the head of my bed.  Apostle quickly asked the prayer warriors to pray in the Spirit by speaking in tongues, and they all united in prayer.  I placed the phone on my abdomen as the prayers went on.  As soon as the prayer concluded and they said Amen, the pain left my body and my body got cold. I was able to attend the meeting and got the opportunity to join the company with more than I actually asked God for.  Praise the Lord!  I am a kingdom child! I appreciate you, Apostle Esther Agiri!  Thanks to all the prayer warriors for your prayers every day.  May God bless you, Pastor Solomon, and everyone at AOIMF! I love you all!
Relief from stress in Job
My testimony is about ‘Jobs,’ an area that our wonderful Mama, Apostle Esther Agiri, is always praying about every day. Listening to Apostle Esther Agiri’s words is one thing, but do you believe that she’s a true servant and Woman of God? I usually receive every good prophecy she releases on the prayer line every day to start my day.  I never told Apostle that a male nurse at my job said he was intimidated by me as his supervisor because I’ve more experience than he.   He’s a first year graduate from nursing school and wanted to boss me around. The man kept embarrassing me in the office, calling me names, and he even went and lied on me to our Director of Nursing (DON).  I held my peace and kept remembering what Apostle said on the prayer line that day, “do not argue nor respond to any negative person at your work place(s);” I didn’t.
One evening while I was at work, this man started with his insults that almost tempted me to launch at him, but something reminded me of Apostle Esther Agiri’s advice on the prayer line.  I immediately left the office to do my rounds and called Pastor Rievu for prayers.  Pastor Rievu told me that the man tormenting me will be relocated and will be leaving disgracefully.  I was so stressed out by this individual that I started praying.  I called my son and told him that I wanted to take a break from work to travel to Texas to get away from the drama.  My son then purchased my round trip ticket and made my hotel accommodation, all paid in full.  The weather had changed and it snowed in Texas and the surrounding areas, causing a delay in my return.  In this delay in Texas, GOD WAS AT WORK at my work place.  When I returned to work, I learned the individual who was insulting me, was fired for something unprofessional he did on the job during my absence.  Now he is gone, I was asked to take the position, but declined because the position is stressful.  Thank you Apostle Esther Agiri, you are the world greatest Mother for both the old and young.  May God bless you.  To you my beloved mentor, Pastor Rievu, thank you for everything.  Praise the Lord!!!
Accurate Prophecy
On Sunday, February 28, 2021, Apostle Esther Agiri prophesied on my husband during Service. She told him that two women at his job will report him to get him fired. The next day (Monday) at work, his supervisor told him that two women reported him.  To God be the glory, the prophecy was accurate, just as Apostle Esther Agiri prophesied.
Healed from Poison through Covenant Weapon
An African middle aged man decided to visit his family in Africa and to complete his project. He refused to visit Apostle Esther Agiri for prayers before leaving for Africa, despite his wife’s constant pleading. However, His faithful wife went and bought the Covenant Weapons and included the instructions for use, so he could take along with him on his trip.
Upon arrival to his destination in Africa, he was welcomed by his junior brother who was taking care of his project there. Pretending to be excited, the junior brother asked his senior brother if he as hungry.  The senior brother said he was and that he wanted to eat some Egusi soup with fufu.  When the food was ready, instead of Egusi soup, the older brother received Ogbono soup that had been poisoned and taken to him at the hotel. When the junior brother arrived with the food, his impatient wife called her husband to inquire if her brother-in-law was dead. Unaware to the older brother that the food was poisoned, he began eating the food while the junior brother excused himself from the hotel room to wait in the hotel lobby; forgetting his phone in his brother’s room. After the older brother ate the Ogbono soup, his abdomen became extremely distended, hard, and painful, making it difficult for him to breath. Unable to stand, sit, or even move properly, the older crawled to the restroom and tried to stool or vomit, but nothing came out.  He tried calling his wife in America, but could not get through.  He remembered the Covenant Weapons and crawled to his suitcase, grabbed the Covenant salt and put some in his mouth.  He then took the anointing oil and drank the whole bottle.  Immediately he threw up, passed gas and started to stool.  He found a slight relief and took his brother’s phone that was mistakenly left behind to call his wife in America.  Then the junior brother’s wife, called the phone number, unaware it was her brother in-law who answered the phone and not her husband, the junior brother, asked, “Did he eat the food; is he dead yet, or did he refuse to eat?”
The senior brother who was listening patiently to his sister in-law, asked her, “Who’s dead?”
Quickly, she dropped the phone. He then called the police to have his brother arrested for attempted murder.  The senior brother took away all documents and bank information he had given to his junior brother and included his wife in America on them. He had to pay the police officers to escort him wherever he went while in Africa.    
Getting Close to God after joining Ministry
May God bless Apostle Esther Agiri for accepting the call of God. I made a decision to go a step further by doing more in the kingdom of God. I called to be a part of a partnership group on Thursday and made my first commitment for January.
Spared from Terrible Accident
My family and I want to give God all the praise and Glory. The devil has failed again!  My daughter was involved in a terrible car crash that ejected her from the car.  Thankfully all the occupants of the vehicle survived with livable injuries.  Thanks be unto God and thank you Mommy Esther for praying for our children with daily anointing.  We are very grateful and give God all the praise, in Jesus Name.
All round Favor

I want to thank God for taking me to the 2021 Fire Conference. After the Conference, most flights out of Houston, Texas, were delayed or cancelled, due to inclement weather.  However, we stayed calm as we waited to receive rebooking confirmation from the airlines.  Thursday was day four (4) of waiting in Texas when the airlines reopened for stranded passengers to return home.  I was en route to Washington-Dulles International Airport, through Denver, Colorado from Texas, when I got informed that my flight to Dulles was cancelled upon arrival in Denver. God’s grace was upon me from the Conference because the airline provided me a 1-night complimentary hotel accommodation with breakfast included.  On Friday, I was waiting to check in, when a man came to me and gave me $5.00.  I took the money and pled the blood of Jesus on it and gave it to a guy who wheel-chaired me to my gate. I believe, as Mommy Esther said, “We will not return the same way we came for the conference,” and I claimed it in Jesus’ name.  I know for sure that great doors are opened and no one can SHUT them, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Healed of Fibroid and Chest pain
I want to thank God for healing me form Fibroid and Chest pain as Mommy was praying against them today. I felt the pain in my chest leave me.  Thank you Mommy for all your prayers.
Son Healed From Paralysis 
On Tuesday here in New York, we had a lot of snow in front of our house. My son went outside to clear some of the snow, when suddenly, he became unable to walk.  He dropped the shovel and managed to come inside the house, but could not stand up.  I got my Covenant Anointing Oil and Salt and poured some into his mouth to drink.  After a while, he began to walk again.
I thank the God of Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith and our Mama, Apostle Esther Agiri, who God is using every day.
Covenant Weapon Healed Corona Virus
A long time Covenant Partner from Worcester, MA, was affected with the Corona Virus and was hospitalized. Praise the Lord she had all of her Anointed Covenant Weapons with her and started using them as we kept praying for her along with Apostle Esther Agiri.  She is now healed and at home!  Thank God for Apostle Esther and her Prayer Warriors.
Healed From Corona Virus
A long time Covenant Partner from Worcester, MA, was affected with the Corona Virus and was hospitalized. Praise the Lord she had all of her Anointed Covenant Weapons with her and started using them as we kept praying for her along with Apostle Esther Agiri.  She is now healed and at home!  Thank God for Apostle Esther and her Prayer Warriors.
Job Interview
Yesterday Morning, March 1, 2021, was a day of laughter just as Apostle Esther Agiri prophesied on the prayer line during Good Morning Jesus. After waiting for a while for work, I got an email that invited me for an interview scheduled for March 3, 2021.  To God be the glory!!!  The triple favor of this month shall locate me in Jesus Name.  Amen.
Healed from Stroke with Healing Water
On Sunday, February 7, 2021, for the healing service, Apostle Esther Agiri asked the congregation to bring out their bottles of water. I had three (3) bottles of water in my hands, as I was watching the service Live Stream.  Apostle then said, “There is a lady at home watching right now.  She cannot move her left side, but as I pray over the water drink one of the bottles immediately for your healing.”  I felt Apostle was talking to me, so I drank one (1) bottle of the water and I began to get my feeling back in my left hand and started moving it.  Thank God for Apostle Esther Agiri in Houston, Texas!!!  You all don’t know what you have until it is gone.  Amen.
Favor and Increased Pay at my job

During Good Morning Jesus prayers with Apostle, she told us to praise and worship God for five minutes today, which I just completed at work this morning. Normally, my boss doesn’t work on weekends, but to my surprise, after my praise and worship, I saw him walking directly toward me. He said, he wanted to see me. At that moment, it felt like my heart skipped a beat. I made my way to his office, I was saying to myself, “O Lord, what have I done now?”  In his office, he said to me, “Upon review, we decided to increase your pay, based on the market value within the community.”  I got a raise just about enough for me to pay my partnership pledge for the rest of the year.  Hallelujah, hallelujah, “No Shaking!”  Thank you Jesus.
Healing & New Job!
I came for the Operation Close Old/Open New Chapters, while trusting God for a job. After that conference, I was called in for a job interview and got hired. I was also told to take the Covid-19 Test. The Test result returned positive. I said to myself, “that devil is a liar; I can’t come from under such powerful anointing and have Covid-19.”   I was told to redo the test after a week, allowing me to start on my Covenant weapons, the Cinnamon and the Honey.  I used the Covenant Salt to wash my nostrils and I also took my Communion every morning.  I rubbed my entire body down with the Covenant Oil of Myrrh every night before the re-test.  After a week I retested and my result came out NEGATIVE!!!  I just want to tell this God of Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith, “Thank You God.”  Bless this Church and our Mommy, Apostle Esther Agiri, in Jesus Christ Name.
New Job, Now a Citizen, Happy Home, God is doing so much!
I thank God for His blessings and victory He has granted in my life. Since I came to Alpha & Omega Ineternational Ministry Of Faith my life has changed. He fought the battle that humans can not fight for me. About 3 weeks ago, I was introduced by a friend to the church; I was going through so much, no job, immigration problem and marrital issues. But God granted my heart desire after Apostle Esther prayed for me; my life has changed, God granted my citizenship, hospitals are looking for me to work for them, I now have a peaceful home, too much blessings to even speak of. Thank you Jesus, thank you Prophetess/Apostle Esther Agiri, more power for you in God's vineyard.

Healed From Severe Headache
I got healed, just now! I have gotten my complete healing! I have been having terrible headaches and migraines since Saturday. I cried and begged God to give me sleep. I have been so weak because of this, but as I drank this second bottle (of water) strength came into me and this demonic headache has been washed away oooo thank You, Jesus! Thank you Mommy! Thank you Pastor Rievu!! God bless you all!

Weakness In My Body Gone!, Thank You Jesus!
I got healed of a numb left foot & weakness in my body as I drank the covenant weapons and rubbed it in my foot. Now I have lot of energy!
Chest & Headache Gone!
My shoulder pain and headache just went! Hallelujah Hallelujah! Thanks be to the most high God! God bless you, Apostle!
I Am Healed!
Wow! I haven't had bowel movement for a week; the doctor told me to use Metamucil but it didn't work. As soon as I drank the water I had bowel movement! God is good!
Right Ankle Healed In Jesus Name!

Praise the Lord! My right ankle pain that I have been feeling is gone, in Jesus' mighty name!
Chest Pain Healed

My upper body and my chest were hurting me. That's why I could not send my text message. But as we broke the fast with the water right now I felt better. Thank You, Jesus!
Blood Pressure Healed While Using Covenant Weapon
Praise the Lord for this fast! Since I started to fast I didn't take my blood pressure medication and my number went down because of my covenant weapons, especially the cinnamon and honey. I thank God for the communion, and I also thank you Mommy for your wonderful prayers.
Help Through Covenant Weapon
I was healed from fever, chest tightness and shoulder and neck pains from joining the midnight prayer and taking the cinnamon. Praise God!
Help Me Rejoice, My Liver Is Healed!
Indeed I have been having issues with my liver since 2017 and it has become worse. Sometimes I want to vomit and it makes me feel very tired. During this fasting, my fatigue made me so weak that prayer was hard; I felt like laying down all the time. Today, after the communion, Mommy prophesied that everyone is healed; I replied, "Amen, I receive it." All day long today, the fatigue and the pain disappeared. Glory be to God! Mommy, thank you for your prayers and weapons. You are all blessed and the chosen ones in AOIMF. I seal my healing in the Blood of Jesus.
Healed From Covid19 & My Husband Healed
My daughter graduated from college and got a job. A few days into the orientation period she went and tested herself for Covid and it came back positive; she informed her boss. Pastor Rievu was notified also, and she prayed on water and told her to drink it. She also gave her prayer points to pray, and after 3 weeks she tested negative!!! She was also paid for one week while out of work and she still had her job. During this fasting my husband passed out and his eyes rolled back and was unconscious. I know without a doubt that it was the God of this Prayer Mountain that gave us victory over death. I thank God for strengthening me during this fast. My mouth is full of praises for all He has done for my family, and I know He is going to do more. My prayer is for God to bless Pastor Rievu and her family more abundantly and give them long life for always praying for my family and checking on us in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
Breathing Healed!
Glory to God, Alpha and Omega! I give thanks to Jesus, AOIMF & Apostle. I've been having a little bit of trouble with my breathing before the fast, which was not so easy. By the grace of God during the fast God healed me! I've been using the covenant weapons, and my breathing is back to normal now. Alpha and Omega IMF is truly from Jesus!
God's Daily Strength
I just want to thank GOD for allowing me to go through our 21-Day Fast successfully without any hunger or disruption. I also want to thank Apostle for incorporating the Daily Holy Communion into the fasting. I can say without a shadow of doubt, the Holy Communion was my “Daily Strength” when I wanted to give up. This fasting has really strengthened me, along with the daily reading of the scriptures and prayer points. I also want to thank God for Apostle Esther, Papa Solomon, Pastor Rievu, and all the Pastors and Ministers, for the teachings and disciplines that this ministry, Alpha & Omega International Ministry of Faith, has instilled in me, and also the love and encouragement you show, and the daily intercession you all undertake for us. May the God who daily loads us with benefits, never stop loading everyone of you and your families with His benefits in Jesus’ name. Thank you plenty. (Maryland)
The Devil Failed In Jesus Name!
This morning I received a phone call from my mortgage company stating that they didn't receive my payment for the month of June, but I knew the devil is a liar. Wearing the t-shirt Mommy said to use this morning, "Power must change hands", changed my situation around. All penalties were dropped and I didn't have to pay a late charge. This God is real! Wearing the t-shirt today meant a lot—because it surely changed things for me.

I do not leave home without my weapons and my t-shirt. (New Jersey)
I Am Blessed!

Good evening to the AO Team, especially our Mommy and Daddy Solomon. I came in touch with some money to start a new business which will soon get off the ground. God is good, all the time! Thanks to the 21 day Daniel's Fast, my blessing came before we went 3 days. Thank You Jesus!!
I Received A Check; God Favored Me!

I have a testimony about what Mother Apostle Esther said this morning on the prayer line. She mentioned that someone was going to receive a letter with a check that they were not expecting and I want to confirm that I just received a letter in the mail with a check in it. I don't want to keep the secret, please publicize my testimony so that others can be inspired by it.
Heart Healed
To God be the Glory for Apostle Esther. I’m also thankful for the ministers of this ministry. I will like to testify to power of all of our covenant weapons. During our 21 Day Daniel Fast, I received my healing from the heart troubles I was experiencing and various aspects of my life. Again, many thanks to this amazing ministry and family I am now a part of.
Healing On My Right Hand
Hello Pastor, I have been having constant pain on my right hand to the point that I was unable to stretch my hand towards my back without experiencing pain. However, after Day 1 of the Family Vacation Conference, Prophet Mommy Apostle prayed for healing. To my surprise, I woke up this morning and I am able to stretch my hand behind my back with no pain. To God be the glory.
Evil Worms Destroyed
My other Testimony happened at the end of our 21 Day Daniel Fast. When it was time for us to break our fast, we prayed and drank a bottle of water. During the prayer, I received my healing. I began to cough and I spit the saliva discharge into an empty bottle. I left the bottle with the discharge on the Altar. The next morning, I woke up for Early Morning Cry prayer line at 5am and I noticed that the bottle was filled with worms and I don’t know where the worms came from. I know that I didn’t throw up or anything. I thank God for my deliverance. .
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Free From Stroke
On April 12, I had a stroke just after the prayer line. I got up to take shower, lost my balance and fell down. Fortunately, my younger son found me on the floor in my room and rushed me to the Hospital. The amazing thing is that my son only packed the anointing oil for me in my hospital bag so every morning and night, I applied the oil on the left side of my body because it was very weak due to the stroke. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days and spent an additional 3 days in the rehabilitation center before I was discharged to go home with no issues. On the day of my discharge, the doctor told me that it is amazing how I got healed so quickly and I told him that I have a master healer named JESUS! I am so happy to announce that I able to do everything by myself with no assistance!
Total Deliverance From Evil Powers
Good evening Pastor Rievu, I experienced something remarkable during the prayers tonight, I began coughing so hard that the right side of my back, chest, lungs and entire body began shaking continuously and then I started producing mucus. After a couple of minutes, whatever was taken place in my body left me. I felt much better. I thank the Father Almighty and Apostle Esther for tonight's deliverance. I am healed.
My God Is Victorious
For seven years I filed for my daughter Green Card and could not get it. Instead they send me a deportation letter. In September I did a new partition for my daughter. One morning this year I met Marlon on the train and he introduced me to AOI. What did not happen in 7 years happened in a two month. The letter came in the mail for me to get all the documents for my daughter’s interview, all I am waiting for is a date for the interview. Since I joined the prayer line I have been fighting serpents in my dream. I have a cutlass chopping their head off. On Sunday morning after fighting with the snakes. I woke up and couldn’t move my left hand. I was begging for my husband to take me to the hospital. However, I waited for the Sunday service. I joined just in time to hear prophet Talking about my symptoms. She said, you with that pain down your neck to your arm. Put up your hand for your healing. I force and put my hand up. Today I have no pain. Thanks be to God. Last night while praying for the sins of my father’s house. I began to vomit out a lot of mucus in my bathroom sink. I am feeling so good today. Thanks be to God. God will bless this ministry for all the life that are being save from bondage.
I Am Healed From Foot Pain
I am healed ! The heel of my left foot has been hurting me for a while and it’s now the 3rd day NO PAIN. HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD! Thank you very much for the anointing. We appreciate you dearly.
This morning I called and spoke to my Aunt in Nigeria. She told me that last night she was praying for me and saw me holding one shoe. She asked me about the second foot and I told her that I didn't know where it was. She asked me to go and look for it but I told her that I was ok with that one and that I was too tired to go and look. I told her that getting that one pair was a lot of hard work and that I didn't have the energy to go through that again. She then told me to think of what it will look like walking with one shoe and that people will think I am mad. She kept talking to me and praying, then some kind of power and energy came into me and I went to look for the shoe. I was digging inside one of those old tin boxes called "potumanto" in Nigeria. After digging for a while and bringing out a lot of stuff, I dug up the second shoe. She was now happy that I found my second pair of shoes. She said she didn't understand it. I now told her about yesterday's SET THE CAPTIVES FREE prayers and how Apostle asked us to bring our old shoes, padlock and list. I shared some of the prayer points and promised to send her the link to the service once it is posted on YouTube. Thank you Apostle for answering the call of God on your life and for being sensitive in the spirit. I believe I have recovered something major in my life and I seal that with the Blood of Jesus. Amen.
Severe Stomach Pain Gone

For over 3-4 months I suffered a severe pain in my lower waistline. On the 19th day of the 21 day fast, when Apostle was praying I was healed. I am so grateful and blessed for being a Covenant Partner with Alpha and Omega. God bless you and the ministry.
Evil Foundation Broken!

As Mommy was praying to break the foundation of our father's house yesterday (Friday), immediately, I ran to the bathroom and started vomiting. I mean I vomited, vomited and vomited stuff coming out not only from my mouth but from the other side as well. I was very close to my dad, like the favorite daughter, and my father was a traditional chief, one who served many gods other than the Almighty God. So I thank God for breaking the chain and for disconnecting me from the foundation in the mighty name of Jesus. I thank God for my deliverance and the breaking of the soul tie in Jesus' name, Amen!Thank you mommy for that deliverance.
God's Favor

I have a testimony. On the last day of the fast I called a credit card company to pay my balance, they reduced it from 2700 to 1200 after I asked them to. God is good!
I Am Healed
I was healed from sharp right side stomach pain, after we broke our fast during Daniel 21 Days Fast. The pain is gone in Jesus'name!
God Set Me Free
Apostle prophesied to me about sometimes last year or so that my uncle holding onto my destiny is about to die and that I should hold on. After Thursday night pre-foundation warfare, I got a call yesterday Friday afternoon that he died. According to what I heard he wasn't sick he went out and died where he went. Praise God! The God of AOIMF has done it for me. That's my testimony.
The Healing Hand Of God

I just want to testify of the healing power of God upon my patients. It happened last month; as I got to work that day, I received the report from the night shift nurse that my patient was running a temperature of 100 degrees. Immediately, I pleaded for the Blood of Jesus within me and gave her a sponge bath for 30 minutes. I then proceeded to anoint her with the anointing oil in my purse and prayed. There has been no temperature since that day. Secondly, on Saturday, as I was working with my colleague, she suddenly called me to come and look at her vent patient because she didn't look good. I quickly left what I was doing, held the patient, and checked the tracheostomy. Although it was intact, she was turning blue on me. I pleaded for the Blood of Jesus and asked my colleague to hurry with the Ambu bag. I bagged the child and she was ok. I just want to praise God for His faithfulness.
Pay Raise Amid Corona Virus Crisis
(1) I thank God for the money I received from the Government because I was not expecting it, based on the amount I made for the year.
(2) I also thank God for the increased pay rate at my job.
I thank Mummy for her fervent prayers for us, and all the pastors, ministers and everyone on the prayerline. May God bless you all in Jesus' name.
Healed Of Demonitic Food And Protected From Corona Virus
I must first say thank you to Apostle for the early morning remedy. I dreamt of food, and while I don't  remember whether I ate it or not, in my sleep I started coughing. I immediately got up with a lot of fire. Apostle Esther said to take a tablespoon of the anointing oil and very hot water. Since then, I have not coughed for the whole day. Thank you very much for your prayers and the blessings we receive daily.
Secondly, on Tuesday last week you said a friend will come to visit and to be aware that they carry the virus. My friend came to visit me on Thursday, and on Sunday afternoon I received a call that she has tested positive for corona virus and is now in isolation. I am just so thankful for Alpha and Omega and for the covering. Thank you to all the wonderful prayer warriors on this prayer mountain. God will continue to bless this ministry in Jesus' name. Amen.
Christ Favored Us With Fully Funded Masters and Ph.D
My brother and I both got accepted into graduate programs; me for my masters, and him for his PH.D, with full funding. We thank God, Apostle Esther, and the entire Alpha and Omega family for praying for us. Thank you.
God's Protection During Corona Virus
My testimony is to thank God for His protection from this Coronavirus during this lockdown period. All my life I never thought of reducing my sleeping hours, which I did, because of the prayers that are conducted. I do not even experience tiredness and weakness during the day. Rather, I can testify to the improvement in my health. It is true when we say our God is always faithful and allows things to happen for a purpose. We thank Apostle for the midnight prayers and online services that are even enjoyed by our people back home. May God's peace be with you and Papa for your dedication to His work. God bless.
Healed Of Corona Virus
I have been connecting to the prayer line for years. I have also had a terminal disease for years, but God has been great to me. I work at the hospital in NYC. My husband and I fasted about Covid-19 for 5 days. When I tested positive, I cried, asking God, "How did this happen after fasting about this?" He answered me, telling me that He brought me to it so He will take me through it. I thought I was going to die and that there was no way I would get past this. But God is the only source I know; I depended on Him, and He brought me out of it. For days now I have been feeling better. I called the church and Sister Yolanda prayed for me. I bought my cinnamon and honey, and the "I must recover all" T-shirt. Continue to pray for me Church, God is great!
My Father Is Healed Of Sickness
Glory to our Father God who is true to His words and never fails. I called Minister Lisa for prayer for my father. The very next day, he got up and went about doing what he normally does. Oh praise our Marvelous  God for healing my father! We decree and declare, he has many, many years to live and declare the works of God. Amen. May the Good Lord continue to increasingly bless Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith with His great power, and you will continue to see signs and wonders. Amen!
God Saved My Job

For the past 5 months I have been under a new Senior Officer at the Fire Station where I work at. This particular officer has been a heavy, negative, demotivating, corruptive and dark spirit that came to bring down the positivity and GOD-fearing spirit we have at the station. He tried to put personnel against each other, and tried to disrupt an already good system just to cause confusion. He even targeted me, but one thing I know is he didn't succeed when he did so. With the teaching and guidance of the Apostle, I knew how to deal with him. The only issue I had was that he was getting to other staff members, and so I kept praying to GOD for an answer to this problem. Today, I'm happy to say that this particular Senior Officer was transferred out of the station. GOD IS GOOD, GOD IS GOOD!! I want to say thank you for the inspiration and wisdom you all have imparted onto me. Love always.
Got A Raise Amid Crisis
Since I'm an essential worker our company gave us extra pay with our checks. We are not sure how long it will last, but I was happy to sow my seed of $111.00. I want to thank Mommy and all of the ministers and pastors who pray for the entire AOIMF congregation, members and covenant partners in Jesus' precious name, Amen.
Family Healed Of COVID-19 (Corona Virus)

I thank God for saving me and my son. I work at a hospital where 17 patients tested positive of Covid-19, four of which died. I began to have Covid-19 symptoms and I unfortunately brought it home to my son. Both of us were so sick! To God be the glory, I followed the directions given to us during morning prayers. I boiled water with cinnamon and added all the covenant anointed oils and now we are doing well. Thank you to all the ministers and prayer warriors. God bless you all.
Healed Of Asthmatic Attack On Prayer Line

Glory to God! These last few days I've been having trouble breathing well. In the morning prayerline, Good Morning Jesus, Apostle had mentioned that there was a person having trouble breathing, which was an attack from the enemy. She then prayed a prayer for healing. I received my healing and now I'm breathing well. Thank you Jesus!
Children Healed With The Covenant Salt

Two of my children were feeling sick and when Apostle Esther said give all your children the Covenant Salt, I did as instructed. My children, who were normally resistant, were receptive this time and they took the Covenant Salt. The devil meant it for evil, but God got the glory in my house.
God Spared My Life

I want to thank God for saving my life from the hands of witchcraft. I call it envious witchcraft because that's what it is. l went back to school last year to further my nursing career in Ohio. It was a battle! The enemy wanted to snatch my life but God saved me from their evil plan. Finally, I am now back in Dallas with my family and in sound health. Without God being on my side, l wouldn't have come back to Dallas alive. I also thank the woman of God, Apostle Esther, for praying for me every day. Although I still have my exit exam to take, I am believing God for victory in Jesus' name. Amen.
Healed Of Throat Pain
I do want to thank everyone for the daily prayers that are being said for our families. I was one of the people with the throat problem that Apostle especially prayed for this morning on the prayerline. I followed all instructions, following up with the hot water every half hour even though fasting, and I was healed in Jesus' name. Thank you so much Apostle for all your hard work, it is appreciated. To God be the Glory.
Spared From Accident
I thank the God of Alpha and Omega International Ministry of Faith. I thank God for the anointing of strong protection that Mummy releases upon our lives every day.
Today, on my way to my job, I had stopped at the traffic light when I saw a very big bee on my leg. I opened my car door quickly, shook it off onto the road and killed it with my shoe. After that I put the anointed salt on my leg before the light turned green. If not for God that bee could have stung me and put me in trouble on the road.The devil has failed again and again, in the name of Jesus! I am dwelling under the covering of the Most High God.
Mummy, all the pastors and the entire family of AOIMF, I thank God for your lives and I thank you for your marvelous work. Stay blessed and empowered.
Thank you all, thank you God.
Saved From Nose Bleed
After giving my testimony of victory from a situation that I was facing, some days later I started to experience a nosebleed. I applied the oil of myrrh on my head and to my nose and kept pleading the Blood of Jesus. I sowed my seed, but when Minister Lisa called to pray with me I missed her call. However, I have faith and believe that Minister Lisa prayed for me because the nosebleed stopped 2 days later. I thank the God of Alpha and Omega. There's power in prayer and the covenant weapons. The devil's plan failed again. All power belongs to God!

After giving my testimony of victory from a situation that I was facing, some days later I started to experience a nosebleed. I applied the oil of myrrh on my head and to my nose and kept pleading the Blood of Jesus. I sowed my seed, but when Minister Lisa called to pray with me I missed her call. However, I have faith and believe that Minister Lisa prayed for me because the nosebleed stopped 2 days later. I thank the God of Alpha and Omega. There's power in prayer and the covenant weapons. The devil's plan failed again. All power belongs to God!
I want to thank Apostle Esther and all the covenant prayer partners at AOIMF for responding to my prayer request. My husband was quarantined for 3 weeks plus due to Coronavirus. His condition was very, very serious and scary. I stayed home to care for him rather than take him to the ER. Although it was a lot of sleepless nights, I continued to pray and use Alpha & Omega covenant weapons. Each day, I used the anointing oil on his body, put the honey in his tea, I would steam his face and body with a hot towel, and then salt his room, the entire house and our front door, commanding that Corona demon out of my husband and my house. Thank you, Apostle Esther and AOIMF prayer partners. My husband is feeling 95% better. Please continue to keep us in prayer while on his road to recovery. And glory be to God, he hasn't missed one Sunday service since we started live streaming. Love you all!
The Prayer-Line Saved My Family
God is good, all the time! I want to testify how the lives of a family were saved by giving them the prayer-line number. The Lord started to bless them even before their requests were mentioned. Thanks to Mama and Papa, together with their team, for reaching out to bring back a dying family alive, and telling others about Jesus. The devil has failed again! Coronavirus is dead by Holy Ghost fire! Amen!
Healed Of Pain
On the early morning of April 24th, at about 1am, I felt a pain at the region of the lower esophagus and could not breathe easily. I took a continental pillow and drank some Alpha & Omega anointing oil, followed by hot water. I had relief and got up to listen to whatever was on the prayerline. Fortunately, the breakthrough and deliverance night prayer was online. I was so happy. The devil is a liar. Thanks to Apostle Esther and the entire AOIMF.
Saved My Job By Sowing Seed
My name is sister Lucy, I'm from Chicago. I want to thank God for the prayer line. I thank God for the Apostle for blessing us every day. My testimony is I sowed a seed for the chair; I was having problems on my job one of my coworkers hit me so we had to go and talk to manager; so I called Minister Peace and she prayed for me. On monday I used the Alpha & Omega anointing oil and salt, the manager saw me and saw the glory of God around me. The situation was resolved I still have my Job. Thank you Minister Peace for praying for me.
Peace after joining AOIMF prayerline
I give God the glory for keeping me, my children and my grandchildren's life. Since I  joined Alpha & Omega IMF prayerline the Lord God has been a blessing to us. I thank our mother that is praying for us every day and night, l bless God for her and her family. To God be the glory in Jesus' name. Amen.
Success with Prayer Shawl
My name is Amenaghawon Aisagbonhi, from New Jersey. I am thanking God for the success in my exit Exam. When I was in the exam hall, my question papers look blank and all I was seeing is black, immediately something hit me on my chest. Immediately I used the Alha & Omega prayer shawl to cover my face for like 2 minutes, and immediately my sight was restored. I placed the prayer shawl on my questions and answers paper, everything became normal, I hanged the prayer shawl on my neck crossing down toward my heart. Behold at the end of the exam, within 20 minutes the results were out; I passed my exit exam excellently.
Also thank God for my son; since He is started using Alpha & Omega Blood of Jesus Tshirt at night, he stopped crying out at night in his sleep, no sickness like calling the ambulance every week rushing him to emergency anymore. I want to greatly thank mummy Esther the great Apostle, God has really used her to solve millions of problems in my life. Mummy God will bless you and increase your anointing more and more.
Power of Alpha & Omega Anointing Oil
My name is sister Sallay from Virginia. My first testimony is : I've been spitting up blood when I wake up from sleep, I went to my doctor and he prescribed some meds for me, I've been taking this medication for up to 2 weeks but it did not work. So I decided to take the annoiting oil every night before going to bed for 3 days and I have not been spitting up blood again, thanks for the woman of God who prayed on the oil.
The second testimony is: my doctor asked me to do blood work to find out what causes the spitting of blood; I did the blood work then, after 3 days they called me that my PT / INR was abnormal so I have to repeat and other tests. So I did the test and this time the results was normal, I thank God for the woman of God, and I also thank for all the pastors and the ministers of Alpha & Omega ministry, may God continue to bless you all.  
Saved From Stroke
Good morning Apostle. This is Fidelis from Phoenix. I was in your church with my wife Laura in October last year and since then I have continued to join the prayer line. God has been very wonderful to my family. Testimony: God saved from from stroke last week, after the prayers with you on Thursday morning, I had paralysis of my entire left side, I used my anointing oil, it happened again on my right side the following day, I also used my anointing oil to rub all over my body and by Saturday the Lord healed me. I can't believe the power in the Alpha and Omega anointing oil and covenant oil salt. Praise God. Thank God for the anointing every morning.  
Suicidal Spirit Destroyed
When my family first came to Alpha Omega I needed a job.  I just walked into this store one day and was hired on the spot without an application.  After I began working there they finally gave me an application to fill out.  I was at Save a Child one night and Apostle Esther said, "Someone is suicidal."  It was me.  It was because I was struggling with my education.  When I would have a test I didn't want to go to school.  Now, since coming to Alpha Omega I am happy to go to school.  Save a Child will save your children.  God is at Alpha Omega.  It's so amazing!
Pain Disintegrated
I was in terrible pain.  I went for an ultrasound.  Nothing was found.  I went to Apostle Esther.  She anointed and massaged it.  I couldn't stand from the pain.  She told me to use the anointing oil and salt.  The pain is GONE!
Child Delivered from Satanic Manipulation
My five-year-old daughter suddenly changed and I knew that Satan had entered her.  The school began to constantly call me to go get her.  They called the hospital where I work and said that if I didn't come get her, they would report the hospital.  The school put my daughter in a different classroom.  She slapped the teacher.  The security had to hold my child.  They were going to get the school psychologist.  Because I didn't want that I was charged with medical neglect; but thanks be to God, my case was dismissed.  I went to Apostle Esther.  My daughter didn't want to go.  I took her to Save a Child.  Apostle dealt with that demon.  My daughter was completely delivered.  She is one of the best students now, giving love to all the teachers.  Praise be to God!
Financial Aid Received

Apostle Esther has been believing with me for the monies I need for college.  I am testifying that I have received two scholarships and half of the financial aid I need.  It feels so good that I will be able to go to school and concentrate on studying rather than on having to pay loans back.  Thank You Jesus!
Spared from Accident
The other morning Apostle Esther said on the prayer line that she saw an accident and cancelled it.  On my way to work, someone cut in front of me TWICE to avoid hitting someone else.  It was only God that there were not other cars around me.  I thank God for His blood of protection and the covering of Alpha Omega.  Then, I had a contract that was not going through.  It sat in the files at the University for over a year.  But God sent someone at Alpha Omega to push it through for me.  To God be the praise.
Eight Years of Abdominal Pain Healed
I had been suffering from abdominal pain for eight years.  I began listening to the prayer line.  Apostle Esther began calling for the Resurrection seed.  I obeyed and sent in the seed.  I also got the Alpha & Omega anointing oil.  I received my healing!  Eight years of pain is GONE!
Evil Dream Cancelled

The other night I dreamed someone came to prick my finger with a needle.  I was awakened by the sound of a text from Apostle Esther that said, "They have failed again!"  I thank God for a true prophet as my Pastor.
Healed by Faith

The other night I went to bed and something started pressing my head.  I anointed myself with the Alpha Omega oil.  The pain left.  The next morning Apostle Esther called and encouraged me when she didn't know what I had gone through the night before.  I thank God for her.
The Rewards of Faithfulness and Obedience

After the 40-day Fast and Fire Conference all hell broke loose on my job and everywhere.  It looked like it was all for nothing; but then suddenly everything began to shift.  My boss wouldn't pay me; but God turned it so that she was fired.  Then my daughter got a job without even applying for it.  After she had been working for some time, they finally asked her for an application.  I thank God for the lessons of remaining FAITHFUL even though things may not look good initially.  God will always turn everything to the good for those who love and obey Him.

I was very sick.  I could not stand.  I went to Apostle Esther.  Instantly all the spiritual and physical forces of darkness were broken.  Thanks be to God.
Scholarship Received
I run Track & Field at school.  Last year I promised God that if I got a scholarship I would testify.  I got a scholarship.  I'm so thankful to God!
Send Down Fire

The enemies came at me like a flood on my job.  Someone said the fire prayers I was praying were tormenting her.  Someone else said I was praying too much; but the fire just increased in the midst of the persecution.  Just to make a long story short, all enemies have been silenced.
Conspiracy Backfired
Apostle Esther prophesied that there was a conspiracy against someone who works in a bank.  It was me.  My right hand person told a lie on me that caused me to go before the Board.  I was called by Security and summoned to the meeting.  I called Apostle Esther and she prayed.  Immediately I got a call from my District Manager who is not a Christian.  She was crying.  She apologized this thing had happened to me and said the case was closed in my favor.  Thanks be to God!
Success with the Blood of Jesus T-Shirt
I had to take exams to become a high school senior next year.  I failed the exams.  I bought the Blood of Jesus t-shirt and went to Apostle Esther to pray over it.  I wore it to retake the exams.  I got 80 percent!  Praise God!
Protected in Accident
When I went to see Apostle Esther for counseling, she said she saw an accident with my daughter.  It happened.  My daughter ran into our house with the car, but because of the prayers of covering, she was not hurt at all.
Blood Pressure Healed
I was not feeling well.  I went to the doctor.  He said my blood pressure was 200 over 100.  I have never had hypertension before.  I refused to receive this lie from the enemy.  I began anointing myself three times a day with the Alpha Omega anointing oil.  I went back to the doctor.  My blood pressure was 123 over 70.  Praise God!

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